La Asociación para la Comunicación, el Arte y la Cultura, COMUNICARTE, ha centrado su trabajo en la documentación y difusión de la realidad guatemalteca, la cual ha estado marcada por el racismo, la discriminación, la intolerancia y la exclusión, que son producto de la fuerte división de clases que ha enfrentado esta sociedad.

The Association for Communication, Art and Culture, COMUNICARTE has focused its work on the documentation and dissemination of the Guatemalan reality, which has been marked by racism, discrimination, intolerance and exclusion, and which are the product of strong class divisions that have faced Guatemalan society.

Desde su fundación, COMUNICARTE hizo su objetivo, el trabajar a todo nivel de la escala nacional en Guatemala y “dar voz a los sin voz”.

COMUNICARTE, usa sus capacidades y recursos para documentar, editar, difundir y transmitir una perspectiva progresista de la realidad cultural, política o social de la Guatemala contemporánea.

Uno de los objetivos de la Asociación es continuar con el rescate de la memoria histórica. COMUNICARTE es miembro activo de CLACPI.

From the time of their founding, COMUNICARTE considers as both its aim and its responsibility to work right across all levels of Guatemalan society, to give a voice to those who don’t have a voice.  They use their skills and resources to document, edit, diffuse and broadcast a progressive perspective on issues and events, be they about the cultural, political or social reality of contemporary Guatemala.

One of the aims of the Association is to continue with the rescue of historical memory. COMMUNICARTE is an active member of CLACPI

Cuando decidimos regresar a Guatemala con la intención de documentar la búsqueda de información sobre la desaparición de Carlos, una de nuestras primeras visitas fué a  COMUNICARTE.
Respetamos profúndamente su perspectiva política y sus décadas de trabajo y experiencia en vídeo en Guatemala.  

When we decided to return to Guatemala to document and record my efforts to discover information about the disappearance of Carlos, one of our first stops was to visit COMUNICARTE.  This is because we respected their politics, and their decades of work in film and video in Guatemala. 

A pesar de que debido a su trabajo y activismo, su espacio ha sufrido varios allanamientos perdiendo equipo y material documental valioso, su considerable archivo en vídeo de la década de los 80 en adelante es único.

Whilst because of their work and activism their studio space had suffered many ‘break-ins’, and with the loss of both equipment and valuable documentary material, I knew that what remained of their considerable video archive of material from the 1980’s onwards was unique.  

Arturo y Boris han brindado incondicional apoyo a nuestro trabajo, y nos han dado acceso irrestringido a su estudio, y a la tomas que nos ayudaron a construir la historia de El Eco.

Arturo and Boris have always been 100% supportive of our work, and gave us complete access to their studio for viewing materials, and free access to any of the material we felt would help us to construct the story in “The Echo.”